LifeHouse Fitness
“for while bodily training is of some value, godliness is of value in every way, as it holds promise for the present life and also for the life to come.”
1 Timothy 4:8
Learn more
Fitness & Faith
Hi Lifehouse Sisters! Welcome to LH Fitness where we pursue fitness with God and in a way that honors + glorifies Him! While the world hyper focuses on looks, we know that our looks will fade and our heart is that we steward our bodies well, to better serve God, His people and to accomplish His purposes!
We are about so much more than workout classes. We workOUT (body), then work IN (spirit) through a time of devotion and prayer at the end.
Classes are weekday mornings at 6:30am.
The workout portion is about 35-45 minutes varying in styles each class: functional strength training, kickboxing, circuit training, stretching and mobility. We switch things up to keep your mind and body interested! ALL workout classes are for ALL ages and ALL fitness levels. We show modifications for the moves and encourage you to just come and do what you can! We are so much better together! After the workout and cooldown, we gather for a few minutes to focus our hearts on the Lord through a brief word and prayer to send us out.

Stay connected
This beautifully diverse community God has knit together is so special and unique. It’s helped women feel more connected to the church body and women’s ministry and we all joyfully look forward to starting our day together.
Click on the link below to join our LH Fitness Facebook page and stay up to date on the class calendar and updates! It’s an extension of our classes, a way to stay strong in Spirit through the sharing of scriptures and faith-based encouragement as well as healthy in body through recipes and wellness tips!

Workout & work”in”
Join us weekday mornings at 6:30am.
We hope you drop in to a class and are as blessed by the community as we are!
Meet the Team
Instructors from left to right: Steph Nichols, Patrice Buller (Lead Instructor), Sara Lose & Kelsy McAllister