Local & International


Missions is the mission of the Church, as Christ Jesus commissioned her in Matthew 28:18-20. While this mission is accomplished in many different ways, inherent in the Great Commission is the command to make disciples of ALL nations, all the peoples of the earth.

To capture the essence of this commission, one of our Core Values is People: Reaching ALL People in ALL Places with the Gospel!

At LifeHouse Church, we strive to obey our Lord’s command by making disciples both here in our local community and around the world through the active support of our Global Missions Partners. Read below to learn more about our partners and how we come alongside them to reach both the nations and our local community.

“Go therefore and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit, teaching them to observe all that I have commanded you. And behold, I am with you always, to the end of the age.”

Matthew 28:18-20

Meet our Missions Partners

We support missionaries serving as far away as around the world and ones as close as our local community. To help categorize them, we define local as those serving in our mid-Atlantic region (Delaware, Maryland, New Jersey). Beyond that, we have missions partners serving across our country and around the world. These missions partners range from compassion ministry to church planting, from training pastors and missionaries to engaging Unreached People Groups with the Gospel of Jesus Christ. We encourage you to learn more about our amazing missions partners who serve to advance the kingdom of God.

Missionary support

Financial Support

We support all of our Global Missions Partners financially on a monthly basis. While we share the Gospel freely to all peoples, ministry requires sacrifice and resources. Our heart is to aid our partners by bearing some of their financial burdens and freeing them to do the work of the ministry.

Prayer & Care

We know that the burdens of missionaries go beyond that of just finances. Our heart is to care well for our missionaries and in seeking to do that, each of our LifeGroups are assigned one of our Global Missions Partners. They are charged to care well for our missionaries through prayer, regular communication, and care.

Short term mission trips

We seek to serve our missions partners and aid them in their ministry by providing short-term teams to come alongside them to help with various projects. Our teams have helped with a wide range of projects including evangelism, preaching & teaching, home visits, construction projects, disaster relief, medical missions, sports camp outreaches, children’s ministry, and more! We have sent teams to Nicaragua, Iceland, India, Haiti, Liberia, Puerto Rico, Senegal, and Kenya.

Dear LifeHouse Church Family,

We just wanted to say a BIG thank you for the generous gift you gave toward the Teranga Village Project. Thank you for partnering with us to provide a new home for these precious girls– we couldn’t do this without partners like you! We are thankful for you all and the many ways you love & serve the church in West Africa. We are praying for you and are asking the Lord to use LifeHouse in Delaware and beyond to the praise of His Great Name! We love you!

- The Teranga Village Team